Main entrance

Here you will find
- Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO)
- Fränkische Verlagsanstalt und Buchdruckerei GmbH
- Hausverwaltung Karl-Bröger-Haus
- Karl-Bröger-Gesellschaft
- Kinder- und Jugendarztpraxis Schegl & Bastidas Correa
- Verwaltung Karl-Bröger-Zentrum
Special entrances:
- Bürgerbüro Bundestagsabgeordnete Gabriela Heinrich (to the left of the main entrance)
- Mehrgenerationenhaus AWO-thek (to the right of the main entrance)
north-west entrance, access via Karl-Bröger-Straße
Google Maps: Main entrance Karl-Bröger-Haus
What three words: ///enger.alpenraum.haie
The main entrance provides access to floors 2 to 6 and to the rooms on upper floor 1 with the exception of the LAG Mali and Die Falken Nürnberg (access via the Celtisstraße entrance).
Opening hours
Open Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Outside these times, access can only be used by employees with a key.
If an appointment is made outside of these times, we ask that you clarify access directly with the person with whom the appointment was made.
Karl Bröger Center

Here you will find
- Büro Bundestagsabgeordnete Gabriela Heinrich
- Büro Landtagsabgeordneter Arif Taşdelen
- Büro Landtagsabgeordneter Stefan Schuster
- SPD Nürnberg – Geschäftsstelle
- Veranstaltungen Karl-Bröger-Zentrum
Northern entrance in the middle of the building, access via Celtisstrasse
Google Maps: Entrance Karl-Bröger-Zentrum
What three words: ///empfehlen.gewogen.anregungen
Access leads to two areas. Both areas are on the ground floor.
Opening hours
Open Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Outside these times, access can only be used by employees with a key.
If an appointment is made outside of these times, we ask that you clarify access directly with the person with whom the appointment was made.

Here you will find
- Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands Die Falken
- LAG Entwicklungshilfe Mali e.V.
north-eastern entrance, access via Celtisstrasse
Google Maps: Entrance Celtisstraße
What three words: ///dörfern.beil.zeile
Access only leads to two areas, both of which are on the first floor.
Opening hours
Unlike other areas, this entrance is not always open. There is an intercom on the right side of the entrance.
Arrive us

Public transport
Nearby are:
- the tram station of line 5 Celtisstraße (walking distance approx. 200m.)
- the subway station Aufseßplatz (walking distance approx. 350m).
- Nuremberg main station (southern entrance/exit Nelson Mandela Platz) walking distance approx. 350m – additional paths in the station building not included).
All stations mentioned are barrier-free accessible.
There are parking spaces for bicycles in front of the main entrance. Alternatively, the bicycle parking garage at Nuremberg main station (south exit/Nelson-Mandela-Paltz) can also be used. (walking distance approx. 350 m)
Private car
Apart from the two disabled parking spaces between the Karl-Bröger-Zentrum and Celtisstraße entrances, there are no parking spaces directly at the Karl-Bröger-Haus.
We therefore recommend that those arriving by car use the multi-storey car park at the theater (Parkhaus am Theater).
Google Maps: Parkhaus am Theater
What three Words: ///Bildung.bleib.reste
From there you can walk through a pedestrian tunnel directly to the Karl-Bröger-Haus (walking distance approx. 350m).