Blick auf die Info-Tafel im Eingangsbereich des Karl Bröger Haus

Where to?

This is the crucial question so that you can navigate through the Karl Bröger House without detours and arrive safely at your desired location. The house has changed over time due to the expansions and renovations. The offers of our house – spread over six floors – are accessible via three different entrances. For better orientation, you will find all companies of our company here at a glance – including all relevant information about entrances, floors and contact details.


Mehrgenerationenhaus AWOthek

Logo AWOThek

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Special access, to the right of the main entrance
FloorGround floor (EG)

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Betreuungsverein

Logo Arbeiterwohlfahrt

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Main entrance
Floor1st floor (OG 1)
Room number1.43

Lorem ipsum

dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

+43 676 123 456 78

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband Nürnberg

Logo Arbeiterwohlfahrt

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Main entrance
Floor6th floor (OG 6)
Room number6.11

Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bezirksverband Ober- und Mittelfranken

Logo Arbeiterwohlfahrt

Contact details

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Main entrance
Floor3rd floor (OG 3)
Room number3.10

Die Falken Nürnberg – Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands

Logo Falken Nürnberg

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Celtisstrasse
Floor1st floor (OG 1)
Room number1.27

Fränkische Verlagsanstalt und Buchdruckerei GmbH

Logo Fränkische Verlagsanstalt

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Main entrance
Floor5th floor (OG 5)
Room number5.09

Property management Karl-Bröger-Haus and Karl-Bröger-Zentrum

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Main entrance
Floor5th floor (OG 5)
Room number5.09

Kinder- und Jugendarztpraxis – Schlegl und Bastidas Correa

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Main entrance
Floor1st floor (OG 1)
Room number1.15a

Karl-Bröger-Gesellschaft Nürnberg e.V.

Logo Karl Bröger Gesellschaft

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Main entrance
Floor5th floor (OG 5)
Room number5.09

Event center Karl-Bröger-Zentrum

Logo Karl Bröger Zentrum

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Karl-Bröger-Zentrum
FloorGround floor (EG)

Event rooms:
Willy Prölß Saal room number 0.31
Meeting room Wilhelm Riepekohl room number 0.30

Property management:
please refer Fränkische Verlagsanstalt GmbH – 5th floor room number 5.09

LAG Mali e.V. – Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Entwicklungshilfe Mali e.V.

Logo Entwicklungshilfe Mali

Contact details

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Celtisstrasse
Floor1st floor (OG 1)
Room number1.42

SPD Nürnberg – Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands Unterbezirk Nürnberg

Logo SPD

Contact details

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Karl-Bröger-Zentrum
FloorGround floor (EG)
Room number0.17

SPD Wahlkreisbüro – Gabriela Heinrich, Bundestagsabgeordnete (MdB)

Logo SPD

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Special Access, to the left of the main entrance
FloorGround floor (EG)
Room numbers0.17 / 0.15

We ask that you make an appointment by phone.

SPD Stimmkreisbüro- Stefan Schuster, Landtagsabgeordneter (MdL)

Logo SPD

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Karl-Bröger-Zentrum
FloorGround floor (EG)
Room numbers0.17 / 0.38

We ask that you make an appointment by phone.

SPD Stimmkreisbüro- Arif Taşdelen, Landtagsabgeordneter (MdL)

Logo SPD

In the Karl-Bröger-Haus

Entrance Karl-Bröger-Zentrum
FloorGround floor (EG)
Room numbers0.17 / 0.41

We ask that you make an appointment by phone.

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