Our fundamental values of freedom, equality, solidarity and democracy are a matter of course for us. Applied to structural accessibility, this means that we wanted to consider as many different needs as possible during our extensive renovation work (from 2020 to 2022) – appreciatively and beyond the legal requirements. This includes many structural measures, but does not stop there. Barrier-free navigation, tactile guidance systems, grab bars, automatic door openers, voice outputs and much more have been implemented by us to be a house for ALL.
Structural accessibility
Elevator main staircase
- Cabin size unfortunately not suitable for turning wheelchairs!
- Second operating level with raised lettering and Braille
- Floor display and voice output (floor reached and door opening and closing)
- Mirrored rear wall – visibility even when exiting from the rear
- Door width: 90 cm
- Cabin size: length 142 cm x width 109 cm
Elevator Celtisstraße
- Cabin size with inner diameter 1.5 meters
- Second operating level with raised lettering and Braille
- Floor display and voice output (floor reached and door opening and closing)
- Mirrored rear wall – visibility even when exiting from the rear
- Door width: 120 cm
- Cabin size: length 160 cm x width 150 cm
All controls are easily accessible for shorter persons, as well as for wheelchair users. The floor-to-ceiling mirror on the rear wall allows visibility when exiting from the rear.
In the elevator, the control element, which is designed in Braille as well as in raised tactile lettering, supports the floor display for visually impaired or blind persons. This is supported by a voice output (floor reached and door opening and closing). Irritating background noises, such as music, are expressly avoided.
Sanitary facilities
Barrier free sanitary facilities
In all WCs, the under-ride washbasins have two integrated grab bars. The fittings are contactless. Large mirrors lead to the top of the washbasins. Hand dryers as well as soap dispensers can be conveniently used.
Please choose the WC variant that is most comfortable for you.
1st upper floor (OG 1) | On the 1st floor, the long WC ceramic, equipped with a backrest, can be approached from both sides. |
1st floor – at Falken Nuremberg (OG 1) | On the 1st floor (at Falken Nuremberg), the short WC ceramic provides the necessary support for wheelchair users – as well as standing persons – thanks to the right-angled handle and the folding support handle. Lateral or parallel approach with the wheelchair can be made to the left of the WC ceramics. ATTENTION: Access only via entrance Celtistraße |
2nd upper floor (OG 2) | On the 2nd floor, the long WC ceramics, equipped with a backrest, with the left angle handle as well as the support folding handle offers wheelchair users – as well as standing persons – the necessary support. Lateral or parallel approach with the wheelchair can be made to the right of the WC ceramics. |
3rd upper floor (OG 3) | On the 3rd floor, the long WC ceramic with backrest can be approached from both sides. |
4th upper floor (OG 4) | On the 4th floor, the short WC ceramic is made without a backrest. This offers wheelchair users – as well as standing persons – the necessary support with the left angle handle as well as the folding support handle. Lateral or parallel approach with the wheelchair can be made to the right of the WC ceramics. The urinal offers standing persons with the grab handles on both sides an additional holding option if required. |
5th upper floor (OG 5) | On the 5th floor, the short WC ceramic provides the necessary support for wheelchair users – as well as standing persons – thanks to the right-angled handle and the folding support handle. Lateral or parallel approach with the wheelchair can be made to the left of the WC ceramics. ATTENTION: Use of the sanitary facilities only possible during the opening hours of the house management Karl-Bröger-Haus |
In the Karl Bröger Center there is a barrier-free sanitary facility (built in 1997) which, however, has not been renovated and therefore does not meet the presented standard.
Tactile markings
Tactile markings
- Attention fields and guide strips at the entrances to the staircase/elevator
- Warning fields and guide strips in the main staircase on the floor level up to the barrier-free sanitary facilities
- Handrail lettering with floor information, walking direction and escape route
A tactile floor information leads from the main entrance directly to the elevator, or stairs.
On the handrail, the floor is indicated in Braille and in normal tactile writing, and the direction of the escape route is shown as a tactile symbol.
On each floor, the tactile floor information leads to the entrances to the floor wings and on the 1st floor (OG 1) directly to the entrance of the pediatricians.
In addition, the barrier-free WC on the 1st floor (OG 1) in the left floor wing is marked with an attention field.
On all floors, the stairs leading down are marked with a warning sign. Furthermore, the paths from the elevator to the anteroom are marked on all floors.
During the renovation of the house (completed in 2022), all previously existing thresholds were eliminated.
Exception : Karl–Bröger-Zentrum entrance – there is still a door threshold with a height of 8 milimeters (non-rehabilitated area).
Color concept
Color concept
The improved perception of light and color through striking contrasts helps people with visual impairments to find their way around. We therefore worked together with external consultants to create the color concept. The challenge was and is the compatibility between preserving/restoring the historic building structure and accessibility.
- Preserve and create contrasts
- Uniform color scheme across all public areas on all refurbished floors
- Find colors that are recognized as different even when taking into account various color vision deficiencies
- Lighting concept, which ensures uniform lighting depending on the use (motion detector)
- Color matching of historic building materials and new building components
Accessible indoor navigation
Many extensions and alterations have made orientation in the Karl-Bröger-Haus more difficult. After the refurbishment, we therefore looked for a viable navigation option. We found it with the app Everguide. Through the app, you can navigate within the entire building complex accurately and barrier-free .
Here’s how it works: First, install the app. Once started, EverGuide determines your position in the house by scanning special signs on the ceiling via the front camera of your smartphone. You can enter your navigation destination via a search field. In the case of the Karl-Bröger-Haus, for example, this is the respective room number. The app calculates the shortest Away from your current position to your destination. Now follow the navigation instructions. Here, the app has several options in terms of accessibility: The instructions can, for example, be displayed for visually impaired and blind people. announced via the voice output. Hearing-impaired people are best off using the visual compass.
Many extensions and alterations have made orientation in the Karl-Bröger-Haus more difficult. After the refurbishment, we therefore looked for a viable navigation option. We found it with the app Everguide. Through the app, you can navigate accurately and barrier-free within the entire building complex.
Navigating according to the two-senses principle
The app is aimed at people who navigate with high precision inside buildings want to let For this purpose, the app is designed according to the two-senses principle and offers navigation by means of acoustic voice instructions as well as signals and as an acoustic Compass. This emits click sounds as soon as you stray from the path. The visual compass has a high-contrast directional arrow and a clearly visible map display. This functionality is especially useful for people with impaired vision.
suitable for people who have residual vision.
Important! Handling & Room Numbers
Navigation works as soon as you enter the house. In the best case, you start the navigation in the respective entrance area. However, the start is also possible in the rest of the building. During navigation, hold your smartphone as parallel to the ground as possible, with the display side up, and always point the device in your direction of movement. The image data is only processed by the app and neither transferred to your smartphone nor stored.
For each appointment, please have the respective company in the Karl-Bröger-Haus give you the room number – this way you have the exact destination ready for EverGuide right away.
EverGuide installation
You can download the app Everguide – Indoornavigation for smartphones from the Play Store for Android as well as App Store for iPhones.
After launching the app for the first time, you must agree to the location sharing and use of the camera. Afterwards, the use of the app is explained in a short briefing. After that, the app is ready and you can navigate to your desired destination in Karl-Bröger-Haus with pinpoint accuracy.
Accessibility doesn’t stop at the concept paper – and feeling welcome starts when you enter a meeting place.
Raul Krauthausen – Activist for inclusion and accessibility
Other features
SpeechCode – interactive read aloud technology
With SpeechCode written information can be made audible. More comfort and accessibility for all, especially for the elderly, visually impaired, blind and people with reading difficulties. Whether information boards, menus, room descriptions or tourist information – the NFC technology used by SpeechCode does not require any infrastructure, the data transfer is fast, easy and without internet access.
And this is how it works:
Install the free Speechcode app from the Google Play Store (Android ) or iTunes (iOS). After starting the app, you download a German language pack, which is also free. (Menu/Load Language Pack)
2. tap the NFC icon and hold your device directly to the speech bubbles (audio signs) on graphics, picture walls and the main signpost in the Karl Bröger House. A tone signals the connection, and reading aloud begins immediately.
All information can be read and listened to offline without internet access. Guaranteed without roaming charges!
Dispenser for period products
Free period products
The Karl-Bröger-Haus offers free period products in all sanitary areas for women as well as in the barrier-free unisex toilets.
Equality, poverty alleviation, safety and promotion of health – there are many good reasons for providing period products free of charge. In addition there are Comfort and well-being, which are our special focus at Karl Bröger House. Because even during their period, women and girls should feel free and at the same time in good hands with us. By means of donors we enable the free access to the most common period products and want to make our contribution – for equal menstrual hygiene: without financial restrictions and health consequences.
Changing tables
Changing tables
Whether big or small – with impairments or without: As a house for all people, the Karl-Bröger-Haus offers electrically height-adjustable changing tables on all floors in the barrier-free sanitary areas (unisex). These can be accessed from underneath with a wheelchair and thus offer comfortable changing facilities with maximum flexibility.
One of the greatest advantages of height-adjustable changing tables is the ability to adjust the height to individual needs. Parents or other caregivers can adjust the diapering height so that they can comfortably – without bending or stretching – change their children. However, the special changing tables not only reduce the physical strain. In addition to better comfort, they also grant good visibility and range. Thus, they also increase the safety for babies and young children.
For the used diapers is of course a large diaper pail ready!
Evac-Chair and rescue mats ResQmat
Evac-Chair and rescue mats ResQmat
Ready for the emergency! There are rescue mats from ResQmat and stair transporters from EVAC+CHAIRs on all six floors in the Karl-Bröger-Haus. This can be used to save those people who can no longer climb stairs in an emergency. There are trained staff members in the house to ensure proper use of these aids. So if you need to evacuate, simply contact a staff member. They will either help you themselves or know which colleague can support you.
Whether pregnant women, asthma patients or people with impairments – rescue mats and stair chairs ensure safe transportation of people. They are indispensable tools in buildings with multiple floors and staircases. The personal transport aids are therefore used in a wide range of facilities such as Hospitals, retirement homes, schools, universities, museums, cinemas, companies and many other facilities. for use – and also in our beautiful Karl-Bröger-Haus.
In Germany alone, more than 100,000 people die each year due to sudden cardiac death. Most of these people are located in the public areas of cities and municipalities. Therefore, it is especially important that defibrillators be widely available to the public. Because each of these devices can save lives – whether in parks, playgrounds or public buildings and should therefore be freely accessible everywhere there.
We are aware of this responsibility and have therefore installed a defibrillator on every floor in the Karl Bröger House. This can be used by anyone – medically trained or not – to become a lifesaver in the event of sudden cardiac arrest.
Accessible website
For comprehensive inclusion, Universal Design must be the desired goal: Because it ensures that information, products, environments and services are accessible and usable for people of different ages, abilities and physical, cognitive or sensory limitations. Therefore, we have also designed the website according to the principles and guidelines for Universal Design.
Thus, all people have the same chance and opportunity to learn more about us, the Karl-Bröger-Haus and its diverse offers.
We are a house for ALL!